What I wasn't expecting was the selection. (I knew about pricing, which is way more expensive.) I didn't know I'd be able to pick from several different local brands and lots of different flavors. I came home with 4 flavors from two companies: Wildflower, Sage, Mango, and Alfalfa.
Never have my taste-buds been so enthralled by honey. Holy cow. The Wildflower and Sage honey are the most like the honey you buy at the store. Still, they have awesome undertones. These are my daughters favorites.
Mango smells and tastes like mango. With honey, of course. I hadn't expected such a pronounced flavor. There is a bit of an aftertaste, but if you have it with bread or yogurt, it's loverly.
Alfalfa is my favorite. It's a deep amber color and it tastes divine. It's so rich and deep it almost tastes dark. You don't need much for a full flavor experience. I love it.
So, what's the end story? I don't care if it's more expensive; I am never going back to regular store honey. I never realized how much depth it lacks. Even my husband, who has never been a fan of honey, likes this honey. Local raw honey is just that good.
I got some mango jam once and thought it tasted just like honey. Interesting. I've never had raw honey but I'd love to try it. My goal for the summer is to constantly visit the farmer fruit and veggie stands. Perhaps I'll look into honey too.